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11 Parsecs Temple Archives -

Tipoca City


Tipoca City was a colossal stilt-mounted Metropolis on the storm-ridden water world of Kamino. It was the capital of the planet and home to the native Kaminoan species, who were known for their expertise in cloning technology. The structures of Tipoca City were built above the planet's ocean surface due to the violent weather. The city was revealed to the galaxy in 22 BBY, when Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered an army of clones being produced there for the Galactic Republic.

The facilities of Tipoca City included a military complex, where the Grand Army of the Republic's clone troopers were created and trained. It was also equipped with a medical facility, a command center, a landing platform, and various other amenities. The design of the city reflected the Kaminoans' minimalist philosophy and advanced technology. From this industrious city, the Kaminoans played a vital role in The Clone Wars, influencing events from behind their mysterious and remote homeworld.

Similar Locations: Mos Eisley Cantina,   Starkiller Base,   Mount Tantiss

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