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Sith disciples

Dark Side

The Sith, in the Star Wars universe, are arguably as iconic as the Jedi themselves. The Sith were essentially a sect of Force-users who utilized the dark side of The Force. They were known for their craving for power, their willingness to use deception and manipulation to achieve their ends, and their rivalry with the Jedi Order.

Contrary to the Jedi who strived for peace, harmony, and balance, Sith Lords sought to extend their individual knowledge, power, and survival. They advocated the philosophy that the end justify the means, showing little if any remorse for their actions. The Sith lineage, often imbibed with internal conflicts and betrayals, used a tradition known as 'The Rule of Two' - a single Sith Master with a single Apprentice - since Darth Bane's time.

The concept of Sith was first introduced in the original Star Wars trilogy, with characters like Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. However, the extensive lore behind the Sith Order was expanded much later through various books, comics, games, and the prequel and sequel trilogies.

Sith disciples were not unilaterally evil, as some may believe. Instead, they were individuals who gave in to natural emotions and instincts such as anger, fear, aggression, and ambition, which the Jedi Order generally considered to be oriented towards the dark side of the Force. Sith followers often came from the ranks of fallen Jedi who were seduced by the dark side of the Force.

The Sith had a distinct arsenal of Force abilities. They preferred abilities that demonstrated direct power or control over others, which included Force lightning, Force choke, and mind manipulation skills. Sith were also known for their red lightsabers, a result of a process known as ‘bleeding’ wherein a Sith would pour their anger and hate into a Kyber crystal until it turned red.

In the expanded Star Wars universe, or Star Wars Legends, the Sith Order originated from an ancient species known as the Sith, who were native to the planet Moraband. Dark Jedi exiles discovered this species and, over time, intermingled with them. The ideological descendants of these Dark Jedi are the Sith Order that Star Wars fans are familiar with.

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