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Siege of Onderon


The Siege of Onderon is a significant event in the Star Wars universe and forms part of the wider Clone Wars narrative. It begins when the planet Onderon, originally a part of the Galactic Republic, chooses to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems headed by Count Dooku. This didn't sit well with a group of Rebels on Onderon who decided to resist this alliance. They requested help from the Jedi Order and received training and aid from Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Clone Captain Rex.

The Jedi helped these rebels, led by siblings Steela and Saw Gerrera, in overthrowing the reigning Monarch King Sanjay Rash. The story of the Siege of Onderon is also the story of Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker's Padawan, and her growth as a leader. Ahsoka spent a considerable amount of time on Onderon, alongside the rebels, helping them strategize. She was a crucial factor in the guerrilla warfare tactics used against King Rash's droid army.

The turning point in the Siege came when the rebels were able to overthrow King Rash and instate the rightful ruler, Dendup, back to the throne. However, victory came at a great cost. During the final confrontation, Steela Gerrera tragically fell to her death despite efforts to save her, leading to a bittersweet victory for the rebels.

Despite the death of Steela Gerrera, the Siege of Onderon was seen as a victory by the Galactic Republic and benefited the spectrum of The Clone Wars. The successful rebellion served as a prime example of what could be accomplished by local forces against the Confederacy, influencing public opinion and the course of future battles. It showed that local insurgents could successfully reclaim their world from Separatist control with adequate support from the Republic.

In the wider Star Wars narrative, the Siege of Onderon also provides important context and storyline development for characters such as Saw Gerrera, who later resurfaces as an extremist rebel leader in the era of the Galactic Empire, featuring in both the Star Wars: Rebels animated series and the film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

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