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Roron Corobb


Roron Corobb is a fictional character from the Star Wars universe created by George Lucas. He is an Ithorian, a species known for their unique four-throat vocal arrangements and peaceful ways, originating from the planet of Ithor. Corobb proved to be one of the exceptions to his species generally pacifist tendencies, having taken up the mantle of Jedi Knight and serving during The Clone Wars era. He is distinct with his large hammerhead-like feature common among his species, dressed in Jedi robes and always wielding a green lightsaber.

Corobb was trained under Master Mace Windu before becoming a Jedi Master himself, demonstrating his prowess in The Force and lightsaber combat. His unique Ithorian physiology further allowed him to use The Force in ways unheard of for other Jedi, like the Ithorian shout, a powerful sonic attack. He was considered among the most skilled Force-users during his time and played a major role during the Clone Wars, taking part in several key battles.

Roron Corobb was involved in many important missions in the Clone Wars, including the rescue of Master Mace Windu and the protection of Chancellor Palpatine. His final assignment was to safeguard Palpatine from the infamous Cyborg general, Grievous. Roron, in this endeavor, was assisted by other Jedi Masters, Shaak Ti and Foul Moudama.

Despite his skill and bravery, Roron Corobb met his end during the mission to protect the Chancellor. After a fierce battle, General Grievous unfortunately managed to strike him down. The death of Roron Corobb marked the end of a great Jedi Knight from the exceptional Ithorian species. Even though he may not be as well-known as other Jedi, Roron Corobb still occupies a notable place in the Star Wars lore due to his species and unique abilities.

Similar Characters: Rae Sloane,   Hera Syndulla,   L3-37

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