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11 Parsecs Temple Archives -

Maz Kanatas Castle


Maz Kanata's Castle is an ancient edifice located on the planet Takodana. Serving as Maz Kanata's home for over a millennium, the castle is renowned for its rich history and strategic importance. Built on the shores of a large lake, the structure has had various purposes throughout its long existence, from hosting adventurers and smugglers to being a gathering point for those with knowledge of The Force. The castle’s architecture speaks to its age, combining elements from various eras, making it both a Marvel and a mystery to those who visit.

Inside, the castle is a hub of diverse activity, frequented by travelers from all walks of life—pilots, smugglers, spies, and even Resistance fighters. The main hall is a large, open space filled with a colorful assortment of patrons and decorated with flags and banners from many different factions and cultures. This melting pot of individuals reflects Maz Kanata's reputation as a wise and knowledgeable being with deep connections throughout the galaxy. The establishment acts almost like a neutral ground, where information is traded and alliances can be formed, despite the tumultuous nature of the galaxy outside its walls.

One of the most significant elements of Maz Kanata's Castle is its hidden basement vault. In this vault, relics and treasures accumulated over centuries are stored, including Luke Skywalker's original lightsaber. This artifact, which once belonged to Anakin Skywalker, was safeguarded by Maz until it was discovered by Rey, setting off a crucial chain of events in the sequel trilogy. The possession of such an important item highlights Maz Kanata's deep connections to the Force and her understanding of the galaxy's unfolding Destiny.

The castle's legacy comes under attack during the events of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" by the First Order, leading to its partial destruction. Despite this, the essence of what Maz’s Castle represented—a center of knowledge, refuge, and connection—continues to influence the galaxy. Maz herself remains an enigmatic and wise figure, guiding new heroes like Rey on their journeys, demonstrating that even a structure ravaged by war can leave an indelible mark on history.

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