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Martez sisters


The Martez sisters, Rafa and Trace, are characters introduced in the seventh season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars series. They live in the lower levels of Coruscant, where they run a repair shop. Trace, the younger of the two, is an aspiring pilot and mechanic, while Rafa, as the elder, takes a more managerial role. They symbolize the everyday citizens who are trying to survive in a galaxy that is torn by war.

These sister's first encounter with the Star Wars' core characters happens when Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker, crashes into their repair shop in an episode titled "Gone with a Trace". Abandoned by her master and being on the run, Ahsoka befriends the Martez sisters and learns about the tough and unglamorous life in the undercity.

The sisters and Ahsoka quickly become close. However, their relationship becomes complicated when Rafa accepts a job to deliver spice. This job puts them on a collision course with the dangerous Pyke Syndicate, dragging Trace and Ahsoka along on a dangerous adventure.

The Martez sisters, especially Rafa, are skeptical of the Jedi and what they stand for. They tell Ahsoka about an incident when the Jedi caused collateral damage in the pursuit of a criminal, resulting in the death of their parents. This offers Ahsoka a different perspective of the Jedi.

The arc involving the Martez sisters plays a significant role in Ahsoka's character arc. The sisters' differing views and survival instincts challenge Ahsoka's Jedi-trained morals and notions of black-and-white justice. The narrative unfolds to show Ahsoka the grey realities of life in a galaxy far, far away.

The Martez sisters provide a fresh perspective on the main narratives of Star Wars, presenting the viewpoint of the bystanders who are just trying to survive amidst the wars and conflicts. Their story serves as a telling commentary on the consequences that the actions of the Jedi and the Sith have on ordinary citizens.

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