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Industrial Automaton


Industrial Automaton is a prominent droid manufacturing company within the Star Wars galaxy. Renowned for its innovative designs and reliable products, the company has been a dominant force in the industry since the times of the Galactic Republic. Industrial Automaton is known particularly for the R-series of astromech droids, among which the R2-D2 unit stands out as an iconic model, playing pivotal roles in various galactic events. The company's commitment to high-quality engineering and cutting-edge artificial intelligence has solidified its reputation as a trustworthy supplier of automated assistants for civilian and military purposes alike.

The company's influence extends across numerous planets and sectors, benefiting from a vast network of factories and distribution centers. Apart from astromech droids, Industrial Automaton also produces a range of other droid types, including protocol and utility droids designed to assist with complex tasks and enhance operational efficiency. Despite intense competition from other manufacturers like Cybot Galactica and Colicoid Creation Nest, Industrial Automaton has continued to innovate, adapting to the evolving needs of the galaxy with new models and upgrades that maintain their competitive edge in the vast droid market.

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