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Garrick Versio


Garrick Versio is a character from the Star Wars universe, first introduced in the 2017 video game Star Wars Battlefront II. As an Admiral in the Imperial Security Bureau, a law enforcement and intelligence agency of the Galactic Empire, Versio plays a significant role in the game’s campaign mode. He is the father of Iden Versio, the game’s protagonist, and the founder of Inferno Squad, an elite special forces unit of the Empire.

Prior to his promotion to Admiral, Versio was a Senior Officer in the Imperial Navy and fought during The Clone Wars. Post-clone wars, Emperor Palpatine personally responsible for his rise in rank. His leadership style was shaped heavily by the aftermath of The Clone Wars, leading him to focus on security and order, and view dissent within the Empire as a significant threat.

In the Battlefront II campaign, Versio is shown choosing duty to the Empire over personal connections, including his own daughter. When Iden decides to defect from the Empire, Versio disowns her, demonstrating the severity of his loyalty to the Empire. He also participates in Operation: Cinder, a plan to cause significant damage and destruction to the Rebellion forces.

Versio is eventually killed during the Battle of Jakku, the last stand of the Galactic Empire against the Rebel Alliance. He perishes aboard his Star Destroyer, the Eviscerator, refusing to abandon his ship despite the impending downfall of the Empire, thereby showcasing his unswerving loyalty towards the empire until his last breath.

The depiction of Garrick Versio in Star Wars Battlefront II, from his unwavering loyalty to the Empire to his stern and unyielding demeanor, paints a compelling portrait of the lengths some characters in the Star Wars universe will go to uphold their beliefs and principles, even at the cost of personal relationships. His character illustrates the moral complexities and deep-rooted belief systems within the Galactic Empire, lending further depth to the Star Wars mythology.

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