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11 Parsecs Temple Archives -

Citadel of Rur


The Citadel of Rur, a significant location in the Star Wars universe, has its origins in the Star Wars Legends and The Old Republic era. It was essentially a temple built on the remote grassy planet, Tython, which was renowned for being the birthplace of the Jedi Order. Revered for centuries, the Citadel was notable as the sanctuary of the powerful techno-mage known as Rur, who became embedded in its crystalline super-structure.

In a bid to achieve immortality, Rur utilized advanced technology and an artificial intelligence network to upload his consciousness into the crystal superstructure of the Citadel. Post his physical death, his consciousness continued to exist within the building, projecting an energy form that could interact with the world outside. In effect, the citadel became the living embodiment of Rur himself. However, this unorthodox path towards a forever existence also led to Rur being anathema to The Force.

The Citadel became a major point of interest in the era of the Galactic Empire. During this era, Chelli Lona Aphra, an archaeologist working for Darth Vader, rediscovered the long-lost Rur. Aphra and her crew triggered Rur's consciousness, which initiated a brutal fight against them. Eventually, Rur's consciousness was bound within the restraints of a crystal and sold, leading to numerous events involving him across the vast Star Wars universe. The Citadel's history and Rur's story adds to the incredibly rich and detailed lore that makes Star Wars a revered phenomenon among fans.

Similar Locations: Citadel of Rur,   Mako Ta,   Tanalorr

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