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Bultar Swan


Bultar Swan was a compelling character from the Star Wars universe. A member of the Order of Jedi Knights during the final decades of the Republic Classic era, Swan had proven herself as a formidable warrior and a worthy Jedi. Swan was a human and female Jedi Knight who was born on the planet of Kuat. She was trained in the Jedi ways by Jedi Master Micah Giiett and later by Plo Koon.

Throughout her life, Swan showed high levels of devotion and discipline. She distinguished herself early on in her training for her attention to detail and initiative. Beyond her combat skills, Swan was also known for her moral character and strong dedication to the Jedi Code, refusing to kill unless absolutely necessary.

Among her Jedi abilities, Swan was a practitioner of Form III, known as Soresu. This defensive style allowed her to survive the Battle of Geonosis, where many other Jedi Lost their lives. She was also part of Mace Windu's 200-Jedi assault team on the Petranaki arena on Geonosis, participating in the operation alongside fellow Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padmé Amidala.

In terms of her appearance, Bultar Swan was often depicted in a standard Jedi attire with two distinct braids framing her face. She wielded a green-bladed lightsaber, a weapon that she used with utmost precision and control. The Jedi Knight's most significant appearance was in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. Besides that, her character also appeared in several comic book series and video games in the expanded Star Wars Universe.

Bultar Swan's storyline is however cut short due to the rise of the Galactic Empire. Following the Order 66 protocol given by Emperor Palpatine, all Jedi were declared enemies of the state. Swan’s whereabouts after the execution of Order 66 were unknown - her fate, along with that of many other Jedi, remains cloaked in mystery.

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