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Black Squadron

Military Groups

The Black Squadron is a vital part of the Star Wars universe with significant roles in the Sequel Trilogy and various comic books. The Squadron served under the First Order, a military dictatorship in the Star Wars galaxy, and led by the enigmatic Kylo Ren. The squad operated under General Hux and Captain Phasma during the period between the original Star Wars trilogy and the sequel trilogy.

The Black Squadron was chiefly designated as a TIE Fighter squadron and played a crucial role in the strategic operations of the First Order. The Squadron, while serving as an aerial combat team, was also occasionally called onto missions of espionage and intelligence gathering. They participated in many battles against the Resistance, the paramilitary force opposing the First Order.

The squadron was comprised of selected pilots with exceptional skill. The squadron's composition varied over time, but some key members were Major Elrik Vonreg, Agent Terex, and the ace pilot Poe Dameron before he defected to the Resistance. These pilots were chosen for their dedication, skill, and loyalty to the First Order. All were ready to make the ultimate sacrifice in the course of fulfilling their duty.

Poe Dameron's role in the Squadron is quite fascinating as he later became one of the most frequently appearing characters in the sequel trilogy. Prior to joining the Resistance, Dameron served in the First Order’s Black Squadron under the alias “Trigger.”

While the Black Squadron is a critical part of the First Order, it was disbanded when the organization fell. However, they never failed to mark their presence on the battlefield. Each Black Squadron pilot was committed to their cause and they were all a force to reckon with in aerial combat.

The Black Squadron is noteworthy not just for its prominent role in the Star Wars universe, but also as an example of a group composed of determined and dedicated individuals. Their story serves as a humanizing mirror to the larger picture of the Star Wars galaxy. The Squadron will always be remembered for its disciplinary, orderly functionaries, and command hierarchy—embodying the essence of the First Order's military might.

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