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Baze Malbus


Baze Malbus is a character from the Star Wars universe, first introduced in the 2016 film "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story." Baze is portrayed by Chinese actor Jiang Wen and is depicted as a fierce and loyal warrior. Born on the moon Jedha, Baze was a devoted Guardian of the Whills, an ancient order committed to protecting the Temple of the Kyber, where Kyber Crystals, essential for lightsaber construction, are housed. Over time, however, the rise of the Galactic Empire and the harsh realities of war led Baze to abandon his spiritual beliefs and become more cynical.

Despite his loss of faith, Baze remains deeply connected to his closest friend, Chirrut Îmwe, who is a blind monk and also a Guardian of the Whills. The bond between Baze and Chirrut is one of the central emotional anchors of "Rogue One." Baze, armed with a modified heavy repeater cannon, serves as Chirrut's protector, demonstrating an unwavering loyalty and a pragmatic approach to combat that starkly contrasts Chirrut's spiritual and Force-sensitive perspective.

Throughout "Rogue One," Baze plays a crucial role in the mission to steal the Death Star Plans from the Empire. His combat skills and heavy firepower prove invaluable during the Rebel assault on the tropical planet of Scarif. Despite his initial skepticism, Baze's experiences during the battle and his interactions with the other members of the Rogue One squad rekindle some of his lost faith, especially as he witnesses The Force at work through Chirrut's actions and sacrifices.

Ultimately, Baze meets a heroic end during the climactic battle on Scarif. After Chirrut's death, Baze confronts a squad of Imperial Death Troopers with sheer determination and fury. Though he succumbs to their overwhelming firepower, Baze's final moments are marked by a sense of peace and camaraderie, acknowledging his friend Chirrut's enduring faith in the Force. Through his journey, Baze Malbus embodies the themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the rekindling of hope in the face of darkness.

Similar Characters: Nute Gunray,   Lieutenant Bastion,   Grand Inquisitor

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