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Kado Oquoné


Kado Oquoné is a minor character within the Star Wars universe, appearing specifically in the 2016 movie "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story." He is a member of the Rebel Alliance and serves aboard the Mon Calamari Cruiser, the Profundity, under Admiral Raddus. Kado is notable for his role as the pilot of the Hammerhead Corvette that plays a crucial part in the Battle of Scarif. His ship is instrumental in ramming a disabled Star Destroyer into another, creating the opening needed for the Rebels to complete their mission.

While Kado Oquoné's on-screen presence is minimal, his actions have a significant impact on the rebellion's efforts to steal the Death Star Plans. This daring maneuver underscores the bravery and sacrifice of many lesser-known Rebel figures who contributed to the success of the larger mission. Kado's determination and piloting skills exemplify the spirit of the Rebel Alliance, willing to face great dangers to secure freedom for the galaxy.

Similar Characters: Galen Merrick,   Romas Navander,   King Katuunko

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