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Hypermatter is a type of exotic matter present in the Star Wars universe. According to Star Wars technology and the universe's physics, hypermatter is most notably utilized as the primary fuel for Interstellar starships. Due to its incredibly dense energy, a small amount of hypermatter can create Titanic outputs of power, making it one of the most efficient energy sources in the Star Wars canon.

The most significant application of hypermatter occurs in the operation of hyperdrives, devices that allow spaceships to enter 'hyperspace' for faster-than-light travel. Hyperspace is an alternate dimension of space and time that starships can access using a hyperdrive powered by hypermatter. This is how the vast distances across the Star Wars galaxy are made manageable, with ships able to leap light-years in a short span of time.

Warships such as Death Star are known to use substantial amounts of hypermatter. The Death Star's superlaser, capable of obliterating entire planets, is powered by hypermatter reactions. Despite being a significant plot device, hypermatter is mostly mentioned in passing and isn't explored in great depth within the series, leaving much of its precise nature open to interpretation.

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