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Droid Gunship


The Droid Gunship, also known as the HMP (Heavy Missile Platform) droid gunship, is a formidable aerial assault vehicle utilized by the Separatist Alliance during The Clone Wars in the Star Wars universe. Manufactured by Baktoid Fleet Ordnance and Haor Chall Engineering, this heavily armed starship is distinguished by its distinctive disc-shaped body and an array of weaponry designed to overwhelm Republic forces. The gunship is equipped with laser cannons, missile launchers, and anti-personnel blasters, making it highly effective in both air-to-ground and air-to-air combat scenarios. As an unmanned vehicle, the Droid Gunship is controlled by a central droid brain, allowing coordinated attacks and precise control without the need for organic pilots.

In the Star Wars canon, Droid Gunships made notable appearances during key battles such as the Battle of Kashyyyk, where they played a crucial role in the Confederacy's attempts to subdue the planet's Wookiee population. Their autonomous nature and robust firepower made them fearsome opponents on the battlefield, capable of delivering sustained firepower against both infantry and armored targets. Despite their efficiency, the eventual downfall of the Separatist Alliance and the rise of the Galactic Empire marked the end of the Droid Gunships’ active service, relegating them to historical footnotes as one of the many powerful machines used during the galaxy-spanning conflict.

Similar Ships: TIE Whisperer Starfighter,   Slave II,   TIE Striker

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