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Corellian Engineering Corporation


The Corellian Engineering Corporation (CEC) is one of the most renowned starship manufacturers in the Star Wars galaxy. Headquartered on the planet Corellia, the company has a legacy of producing reliable, versatile, and highly modifiable starships that serve various roles in both civilian and military sectors. CEC’s signature designs often emphasize speed, durability, and ease of customization, making them popular among independent traders, smugglers, and even the Rebel Alliance. Among their most iconic products are the CR90 Corvette, also known as the Blockade Runner, and the YT series of light freighters, particularly the well-known YT-1300 model, which includes the legendary Millennium Falcon.

CEC’s influence extends far beyond the Corellian system, with starships that have seen service across the galaxy. The company's focus on creating modular components allows owners and pilots to upgrade and refit their vessels with relative ease, contributing to the long service life and continued popularity of their ships. In addition to starships, CEC is involved in producing various spacefaring technologies and engineering solutions, making them a cornerstone of the galactic shipbuilding industry. Their designs have played crucial roles in critical historical events, from The Clone Wars to the Galactic Civil War, cementing CEC's reputation as a premier starship manufacturer.

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