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CR90 corvette


The CR90 corvette, also known as the Corellian corvette or Rebel blockade runner, is a versatile and multi-purpose starship produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. With its distinctive hammerhead design, the CR90 has become an iconic vessel within the Star Wars universe, frequently used by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. At 150 meters in length, the CR90 is equipped with powerful sublight engines, making it capable of high-speed maneuvers and rapid escapes. It typically features a modular interior that can be customized for various missions, including cargo transport, troop deployment, and medical emergencies.

Armament-wise, the CR90 is well-armed for its size, boasting multiple twin turbolaser turrets and laser cannons. This makes it formidable in combat against starfighters and even larger enemy ships. Notably, the Tantive IV, a famous CR90 corvette, played a critical role in the Rebel Alliance's efforts during the Galactic Civil War. It was the vessel that Princess Leia Organa used to transport the stolen Death Star Plans, ultimately leading to the destruction of the Empire's superweapon. The CR90's versatility, speed, and armament have ensured its continued presence in various conflicts across the galaxy, cementing its place as a crucial asset for those who operate on the fringes of Imperial control.

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