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Avi Singh


Avi Singh is a character introduced in the animated series "Star Wars: The Bad Batch," which is part of the Star Wars franchise. He serves as the senator of the planet Raxus Secundus, a notable world in the galaxy known for its significance during The Clone Wars. Avi Singh becomes a focal point in the show due to his opposition to the Galactic Empire's increasing control over his planet, demonstrating early signs of resistance against imperial rule.

In "The Bad Batch," Avi Singh's character is portrayed as a principled and compassionate leader who cares deeply about his people. His commitment to Raxus and its citizens drives him to take a stand against the oppressive measures enforced by the Empire, despite the potential consequences. This decision highlights the moral complexity and the challenging decisions faced by leaders in the galaxy during the rise of the Empire.

Similar Characters: Dok-Ondar,   Tirra`aka,   The Second Sister

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