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11 Parsecs Temple Archives -

Yolo Ziff


Yolo Ziff was a human male pilot who served as a member of the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. His primary affiliation was with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, where he flew starfighters in opposition to the Galactic Empire. Ziff's role was significant during the early skirmishes and critical battles that shaped the conflict between the Rebellion and the oppressive Imperial forces. As a pilot, he demonstrated exceptional skills and bravery, contributing to several key victories that bolstered the morale and strategic position of the Rebel Alliance.

In addition to his combat achievements, Ziff was known for his quick thinking and ability to adapt to rapidly changing situations, which made him a valuable asset in various operations. His dedication to the cause and his fellow pilots earned him a respected place within the ranks of the Rebellion. Although details about Ziff's ultimate fate or specific missions are not extensively documented in the primary Star Wars canon, his contributions remain a testament to the countless unsung heroes who fought valiantly in the struggle to restore peace and justice to the galaxy.

Similar Characters: Cliegg Lars,   Jek Tono Porkins,   Ars Dangor

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