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The UT-60D, commonly known as the U-wing starfighter/support craft, is a versatile vessel employed by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Designed by Incom Corporation, the U-wing features a unique design with pivoting wings that can shift between flight and attack positions, granting it both agility and stability in varying tactical scenarios. Equipped with powerful sublight engines, this ship is excellent for both troop transport and combat missions. Its armament includes laser cannons and the capacity to carry additional weaponry or cargo, making it an indispensable asset for the Alliance.

The U-wing played a crucial role in several key battles, most notably the Battle of Scarif, where it was used to transport troops and provide air support. The craft’s ability to carry a pilot, co-pilot, and up to eight passengers or troops facilitated rapid deployment in high-stakes situations. Its advanced avionics and shielding technology further enhanced its survivability in skirmishes with Imperial forces. the UT-60D's combination of speed, firepower, and troop-carrying capacity made it a pivotal component of the Rebel fleet.

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