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Torture Droids


Torture droids are specialized models designed primarily for the purpose of interrogation and extracting information. These droids are equipped with various instruments and devices that can inflict pain and discomfort, which are utilized to coerce or force individuals into revealing valuable information. One of the most notorious torture droids in the Star Wars universe is the IT-O Interrogator droid, commonly known as the IT-O (also called the IT-O droid or interrogation droid), famously seen in "Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope" where it is used by Darth Vader to interrogate Princess Leia aboard the Death Star.

These droids are typically programmed with knowledge of anatomy, psychology, and various methods of torture, making them effective tools for their sinister tasks. The presence of such droids underscores the oppressive and brutal measures often employed by the Galactic Empire and other dark factions such as the Sith. Despite their fearsome reputation, torture droids are a relatively rare technology, used by those who are willing to employ extreme methods to achieve their goals.

Similar Droids: NR-N99 Persuader-class droid,   Police Droid,   Vulture droid

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