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Tales of the Jedi


"Tales of the Jedi" is a collection of comic book series that is a part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Set thousands of years before the Star Wars movie saga, it offers insights into the history and Legends of the Jedi Knights, the Sith Lords, and The Old Republic. Developer by Tom Veitch and introduced to audiences in 1993 by Dark Horse comics, these series play a crucial role in understanding the philosophical expansion of the Star Wars universe.

The first two collections, "Knights of the Old Republic" and "The Freedon Nadd Uprising," introduce audiences to Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider, two monumental Jedi figures. Ulic, a brave and strong Jedi Knight, eventually succumbs to the dark side of The Force. Nomi Sunrider, on the other hand, resists the dark temptations and learners to harness the power of battle meditation and become one of the strongest Jedi of her time.

As the series progresses in "Dark Lords of the Sith" and "The Sith War," readers witness the rise and fall of Exar Kun, a former Jedi Knight who becomes the Dark Lord of the Sith. Despite being initially trained by the same Jedi Master as Ulic, Exar's relentless ambition and hunt for forbidden knowledge lead him to the dark side. In a cruel twist of fate, he ends up initiating Ulic to the dark side as well.

"The Golden Age of the Sith" and "The Fall of the Sith Empire" arcs take us back further in time to the height of the Sith Empire. Here, we learn about Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, and Ludo Kressh. These Sith Lords are ancient, predating Ulic and Exar, shaping the violent history of the Sith Order with their rivalries and wars.

Finally, "Redemption" – the last cycle of the tale – brings closure to the tragic tale of Ulic Qel-Droma. After living in exile and struggling with decades of remorse and regret, he seeks salvation and redemption finally. His arc serves as an allegory of hope and redemption, signaling that no one is beyond salvation.

Through these tales, Star Wars explored avenues of its vast lore that film format might not have been able to do justice to. It has enriched the extended universe, showing fans how the galaxy's ancient history shapes events. From Jedi Knights to Sith Lords, and the mysterious Old Republic, "Tales of the Jedi" truly embodies the ethos of Star Wars: a saga of hope, redemption, and the eternal battle between good and evil.

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