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11 Parsecs Temple Archives -

Shep Hazzard


Shep Hazzard is a male human who served as a commander during the Galactic Civil War. Hazzard was a companion of Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa during their mission to the Stenos system. Notably, Hazzard played a crucial role in overthrowing the ruling government of Stenos.

Despite coming off as cynical and self-serving, Hazzard revealed his true colours during the Stenos mission. He showcased exceptional bravery, loyalty, and demonstrated a deep-seated yearning for justice. While initially considered a dubious ally, Hazzard eventually proved himself a crucial player in the rebellion's success against the tyrannical rule in Stenos.

Similar Characters: Wicket Systri Warrick,   Mars Guo,   Carlist Rieekan

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