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Rabé Tonsort


Rabé Tonsort, more commonly known simply as Rabé, is a character from the Star Wars prequel era. She first appears in "Star Wars: Episode IThe Phantom Menace" (1999) as one of Queen Amidala's loyal handmaidens. As a handmaiden, Rabé serves not only in the capacity of a personal assistant but also as a bodyguard and decoy, trained to protect her queen in various ways, including at times of political Turmoil and during covert operations. Her role highlights the strong bond and trust among Amidala’s attendants, each of whom is prepared to step into dangerous situations for their Monarch.

Portrayed by actress Cristina da Silva, Rabé doesn’t have extensive screen time or dialogue, yet she contributes to the rich tapestry of Amidala’s intricate and highly organized royal entourage. The handmaidens’ similar appearances, accentuated by their matching robes and elaborate hairstyles, serve a practical purpose by making it harder for potential assassins to identify and target the Queen. Outside of the film, Rabé’s story is expanded upon through various Star Wars literature, including novels and comics, where some of her background and personal history are explored in more depth. As a character, she embodies the themes of loyalty, duty, and the often unseen but critical roles played by those who work behind the scenes in the Star Wars narrative.

Similar Characters: Grizz Frix,   Dengar,   Plo Koon

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