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Phoenix Nest


The Phoenix Nest is a CR90 Corvette in the Star Wars universe, prominently featured in the animated series Star Wars Rebels. It is operated by the Phoenix Squadron, an integral cell of the Rebel Alliance during the early years of the Galactic Civil War. The ship is captained by Jun Sato, a dedicated and strategic leader within the Rebellion. Throughout the series, the Phoenix Nest serves as a mobile command base for the squadron's various operations against the Empire, providing support, transportation, and logistical coordination for a range of missions.

As a CR90 Corvette, the Phoenix Nest boasts speed, versatility, and considerable firepower, making it well-suited for guerrilla warfare against the larger and more heavily armed Imperial forces. The ship's design includes multiple turbolaser turrets and deflector shields, which offer both offensive and defensive capabilities. Notably, the ship appeared in key engagements, including the mission to capture an Imperial carrier, showcasing its critical role in the survival and success of Phoenix Squadron's efforts. The Phoenix Nest underscores the resilience and resourcefulness of the Rebel Alliance as it combats the oppressive rule of the Galactic Empire.

Similar Ships: Advanced TIE Bombers,   Devastator,   B-Wing

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