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Hundred Year Darkness


The Hundred-Year Darkness, featured significantly in Star Wars literature, was an important historical event in the galaxy's history occurring around seven thousand years Before The Battle of Yavin. This was a century-long conflict that eventually led to the creation of the Sith Order, one of the significant adversaries throughout much of the Star Wars chronology.

The conflict began when controversial dark side magic, including necromancy and manipulation of life, was discovered by a rogue Jedi Knight. This knight attempted to share his knowledge, believing in its potential for the greater good. However, the Jedi Order rejected these teachings, deeming them to be against the fundamental principles of The Force, and consequentially expelled the knight and his followers.

Refusing to abandon their dark side practices, these exiled Jedi found refuge on the remote Outer Rim world of Korriban. It was there that they encountered the Sith species, a race with their own relationship to the Force, who they subsequently enslaved and dominated, establishing themselves as the Sith Order and their new home was recognised as the Sith Empire.

The war between these newly-formed Sith and the Jedi culminated in a catastrophic battle on the planet of Corbos. The outnumbered Sith were defeated, causing those who survived to retreat further into the Outer Rim. This victory marked the end of the Hundred-Year Darkness and the Jedi continued to uphold peace and justice in the Galactic Republic. However, the Sith, while seemingly vanished, would linger as a hidden threat for millennia to come.

The enduring legacy of the Hundred-Year Darkness lies primarily in the creation and perpetuation of the Sith Order. Though the Sith were defeated in this early conflict, they would continue to resurface as a formidable threat to the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic for thousands of years, culminating in the events of the Star Wars movies and television series.

Similar Events: Operation Knightfall,   Battle of Scarif,   Battle of Atollon

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