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11 Parsecs Temple Archives -

Ghorman Massacre


The Ghorman Massacre was a pivotal event in the Star Wars universe that significantly influenced the development of the Rebel Alliance. This tragic incident took place on the planet Ghorman during a protest against the Galactic Empire’s oppressive taxation policies. A large number of Ghorman citizens gathered on a landing platform to peacefully demonstrate their discontent. However, the situation took a tragic turn when then-Captain Wilhuff Tarkin, who would later become Grand Moff Tarkin, ordered his vessel to land despite the crowd below.

The ship landed directly on top of the protestors, resulting in numerous fatalities and injuries. Tarkin's callous decision highlighted the Empire's brutal and despotic nature, further fueling dissent across the galaxy. This event is often cited as a catalyst for Senator Mon Mothma’s shift towards active rebellion and the formal establishment of the Rebel Alliance, as she and others realized the extent of the Empire's cruelty and the necessity of organized resistance.

Similar Events: Project Swarm,   Ghorman Massacre,   Siege of Onderon

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