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Gallofree Yards, Inc.


Gallofree Yards, Inc. is a starship manufacturer in the Star Wars universe, known primarily for its production of the GR-75 medium transport. These transports gained notoriety for their pivotal role in the Rebel Alliance, providing essential supply and personnel movements throughout the Galactic Civil War. While Gallofree Yards, Inc. experienced financial difficulties and a decline in prominence prior to its association with the Rebellion, its designs proved to be robust and versatile, earning the company a lasting legacy within the Star Wars lore.

The GR-75 medium transport, the company's flagship design, is characterized by its saucer-like shape and capacity to carry substantial cargo. These transports were extensively used by the Rebel Alliance, particularly during critical events such as the evacuation of Hoth. The modular and utilitarian nature of the GR-75 made it a suitable choice for the resource-strapped Rebellion, highlighting Gallofree Yards, Inc.’s impact on the broader conflict between the Empire and the Alliance. Despite the company's eventual decline and absorption into larger conglomerates, its contributions to the Rebel cause cement its place in Star Wars history.

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