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TIE Mauler


The TIE Mauler, also known as the Century Tank, is an infantry support vehicle in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, primarily seen in the Star Wars: Empire at War video game. Produced by Sienar Fleet Systems, the Mauler serves as a fast and agile ground assault tank capable of unleashing devastating firepower on enemy infantry and light vehicles. It is equipped with twin laser cannons for engaging targets, making it a formidable presence on the battlefield. One of the unique features of the TIE Mauler is its self-destruct mechanism, which allows it to be used as a last-resort weapon by detonating to inflict substantial damage to surrounding enemies.

The design of the TIE Mauler draws inspiration from the iconic TIE Fighter, with a similar cockpit and solar panel wings, but adapted for ground operations. Its primary function in the Imperial arsenal is to support ground troops and conduct rapid assaults. The Mauler's speed and firepower make it a versatile unit in the Imperial ground strategy, capable of quickly responding to threats and reinforcing positions. Although not heavily armored, its ability to surprise and overwhelm unenclosed or lightly armored adversaries plays a crucial role in the Empire's ground campaigns.

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