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T-65B X-wing


The T-65B X-wing starfighter is one of the most iconic spacecraft in the Star Wars universe, prominently featured in the original trilogy. Manufactured by Incom Corporation, it played a crucial role in the success of the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Its design includes powerful laser cannons, proton torpedo launchers, and deflector shields, making it a versatile and formidable fighter in both offensive and defensive maneuvers. A distinctive feature of the X-wing is its S-foils, which can be locked in an "X" position during combat to improve agility and weapon accuracy.

Piloted by some of the most famous characters in Star Wars lore, including Luke Skywalker, the X-wing's advanced avionics and hyperdrive capabilities allowed it to perform both dogfighting and long-range missions. The starfighter's success in pivotal battles, such as the destruction of the first Death Star during the Battle of Yavin, cemented its legendary status. The X-wing’s balance of speed, firepower, and resilience made it an enduring symbol of the Rebel Alliance's fight against the Galactic Empire.

Similar Ships: Star Destroyer Sovereign,   Temperance,   TIE Hunters

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