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The Protosaber, also known as the "Protosaber," "Archaic Lightsaber," or "First Generation Lightsaber," was the forerunner to the modern lightsaber that has become an iconic weapon in the Star Wars universe. This ancient version was the first successful attempt at creating a plasma-blade weapon by the Jedi Order. Used thousands of years prior to the events of the Star Wars films, the Protosaber pioneered the signature design that would later evolve into the more refined lightsabers depicted in the movies.

Protosabers were similar to the modern lightsabers in that they had a metal hilt with controls for activating the weapon and adjusting the blade’s length and power settings. However, unlike their modern counterparts, Protosabers required an external power source to function. Consequently, these early weapons utilized a power pack, typically worn on the user's belt, connected to the hilt by a cable. As one might expect, this design limitation hampered the user’s mobility and agility during battles, making them less effective in combat compared to later versions of the lightsaber.

The Protosaber served as a stepping stone in the evolution of the lightsaber, with Jedi engineers and weaponsmiths continuously working on improving the design. Breakthroughs in energy storage and containment technology allowed for the creation of self-contained power sources small enough to fit within the hilt of a lightsaber. These technological advancements led to the development of the second-generation saber, dubbed the "Freedon Nadd Lightsaber," which no longer required an external power source. This new design provided users with increased flexibility and mobility in combat, eliminating the drawbacks associated with the Protosaber.

Even though the Protosaber was a first-generation design, there were some variations that existed. For example, dual-phase Protosabers could produce two separate blade lengths, depending on the needs of the wielder. Some users modified their own sabers for personal preferences, adapting the weapon to better suit their fighting styles, resulting in unique variations. Nevertheless, the fundamental technology remained the same – the external power source remained a limitation for all Protosabers.

As advancements in technology eventually led to the modern lightsaber, the Protosaber became an obsolete weapon. Despite its shortcomings, the Protosaber played an essential role in the development of the technology that would become synonymous with the Jedi and Sith. The Protosaber represents a critical piece of Star Wars history, serving as a reminder of the continuous evolution and innovation characterizing the various weapons and tools utilized by the galaxy's Force-wielders.

the Protosaber was the early precursor to the powerful and iconic lightsabers seen in the Star Wars franchise. Although limited in mobility due to its external power source, the Protosaber laid the foundation for advancements that led to the creation of modern lightsabers. While the technology eventually became obsolete, Protosabers played a significant role in the evolution of plasma-based weaponry and hold a unique place in Star Wars lore.

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