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Lambda-class T-4a shuttle


The Lambda-class T-4a shuttle is an iconic spacecraft in the Star Wars universe, primarily known for its distinctive tri-wing design and significant use by the Galactic Empire. Manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems, this shuttle is characterized by its central stationary wing flanked by two articulated wings that can fold upwards. This configuration not only aids in atmospheric flight and landing but also gives the shuttle a unique silhouette easily recognizable in the Star Wars films. The Lambda-class T-4a is equipped with deflector shields, hyperdrive capability, and is armed with forward and rear laser cannons, making it both versatile and well-protected for various missions.

Notably, the Lambda-class shuttle is often used for transporting high-ranking Imperial officials, including Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, which underscores its significance within the Imperial fleet. Its spacious interior can accommodate up to 20 passengers and offers cargo space, which makes it suitable for both personnel and material transport. First introduced in "Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi," the shuttle has since become a staple in the Expanded Universe, featuring in various novels, comics, and video games. Despite the fall of the Empire, the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle remains a symbol of Imperial power and engineering prowess.

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