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Lama Su


Lama Su is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, first appearing in Episode II: Attack of the Clones. A male Kaminoan, he serves as the Prime Minister of Kamino, an isolated planet known for its expertise in cloning technologies. With exceptional genetic engineering skills, Lama Su and his people were tasked with creating the Grand Army of the Republic, a massive force of clone soldiers designed to serve the Galactic Republic. Played by actor Anthony Phelan in the movie, the character is typically depicted as tall, thin, and with elongated features, much like the rest of his species.

The order for the creation of a clone army was initiated by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, though its true purpose was manipulated by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Lama Su and the Kaminoans were mostly unaware of the politics involved, focusing on the technical aspects of the project. They based the clone army on the genetic template of Jango Fett, a renowned Mandalorian bounty hunter. Lama Su and his team were responsible for the accelerated growth, training, and conditioning of the clone soldiers, who went on to become known as the infamous stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire.

Lama Su gained prominence in the Star Wars storyline during a scene in Attack of the Clones in which Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi visits Kamino to investigate the assassination attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala. During the visit, Lama Su guides Obi-Wan through the cloning facility, inadvertently revealing the existence of the secret clone army. The discovery of the clone army and its connection to the dark side of The Force ultimately led to the onset of The Clone Wars, a significant turning point in the Star Wars saga.

Lama Su's role continued in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch animated series, which takes place shortly after the Clone Wars. In the show, the Kaminoan Prime Minister attempts to protect his people's cloning expertise by creating a new generation of enhanced clones, including the titular "Bad Batch." The series explores the tension between Lama Su and the nascent Galactic Empire, which sought to replace the clone troopers with conscripted soldiers.

Lama Su is typically portrayed as a polite, formal, and efficient leader who takes pride in his people's cloning achievements. Although he is not directly involved in the dark machinations of the Sith, his actions inadvertently contribute to the rise of the evil Galactic Empire. Throughout his appearances in the series, the character demonstrates a strong commitment to the Kaminoan way of life and their standing as the galaxy's preeminent cloners.

While Lama Su may not have as much direct impact on the Star Wars narrative as other characters, his role in the creation and management of the clone army is pivotal to the overall story. Additionally, his portrayal highlights the ethical questions surrounding cloning and its use for military purposes, providing a more nuanced perspective on the complex issues that are emblematic of the larger Star Wars saga.

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