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The Esseles is located in the Darpa sector of the Core Worlds, a region known for its political power and economic prosperity. Esseles, one of the earliest colonies of the Galactic Republic, is a bustling world renowned for its thriving civilization and urbane landscapes. The planet achieved prominence during the reign of the Galactic Empire when it became the home to the Imperial Naval Academy.

Esseles is characterized by vast cities and commercial zones teeming with residents of varied species. Although highly urbanized, the planet is not bereft of natural beauty, with its rural areas adorned with mountains and oceans. It also boasts impressive architectural designs, like the Calamar Imperial Palace, a palatial structure situated in the capital city of Calamar, and highly modern, state-of-the-art spaceports scattered throughout the planet. The planet plays a crucial role in Interstellar travel, providing commerce and tourism services to those traveling between the Outer Rim Territories and the Core Worlds, thanks to its location along the Hydian Way.

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