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EF76 NebulonB escort frigates


The EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, commonly referred to as the Nebulon-B, is a versatile warship in the Star Wars universe. Originally designed by the Galactic Empire, it became widely associated with the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Measuring 300 meters in length, the ship's distinctive design features a long, narrow central spar connecting the fore and aft sections, which include the command and engineering modules. This peculiar layout makes it easily recognizable among other starships. The Nebulon-B is armed with laser cannons, turbolasers, and tractor beam projectors to engage enemy fighters and larger vessels, as well as deflector shields for protection.

The Nebulon-B's primary role is to serve as an escort, safeguarding convoys and larger capital ships from attacks by starfighters and small capital ships. In addition to its defensive capabilities, it is frequently used as a medical frigate due to its ample room for medical facilities and personnel. One of the most famous Nebulon-B frigates is the Redemption, which appeared prominently in "The Empire Strikes Back" as a medical ship. Its multifaceted use and adaptability has made the Nebulon-B a valuable asset for both the Rebel Alliance and later the New Republic, showcasing its importance in maintaining the balance of power in the galaxy.

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