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AT-ST ( All Terrain Scout Transport )


The All-Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST), also known as a Scout Walker, is a lightweight bipedal walker used by the ground forces of the Galactic Empire. First introduced in the Star Wars universe during the movie "The Empire Strikes Back," the AT-ST is primarily composed of a small enclosed pilot's cabin, mounted on two long-walking legs.

In terms of dimensions, the AT-ST stands at 8.6 meters tall and has a maximum speed of 90 kilometers per hour. It is typically stationed in the Empire's outer frontier and is used for patrolling, reconnaissance, and light anti-infantry duty. When in battle, it usually operates in support of larger walkers like the AT-AT (All-Terrain Armored Transport).

The AT-ST is designed for a two-man crew which includes a pilot and a gunner/commander. As for armament, the walker is equipped with a chin-mounted double medium blaster cannon, light blaster cannons, concussion grenade launcher, and a durasteel foot that could crush objects under its weight. Although not heavily armored, it has enough defense mechanisms to defend against standard blaster fire.

Despite its impressive firepower and speed, the AT-ST is not without vulnerabilities. Its high center of gravity makes it susceptible to being toppled, which was often exploited by the Rebel Alliance. Furthermore, it does not provide full protection from native fauna on various planets, as seen in "Return of the Jedi" when Ewoks manage to hijack and destroy an AT-ST using primitive traps and tools.

In terms of cultural impact, the AT-ST has been recreated in various Star Wars merchandise, including miniatures for tabletop games and as toys and model kits for fans of all ages. It is considered one of the iconic vehicles of the Star Wars franchise and is regularly featured in video games, TV shows, and comics set in the Star Wars universe.

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