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The planet Agamar, a remote world in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories, holds a significant place in the Star Wars universe. Regarded as a tranquil agrarian world, it is known for the primary governance led by its monarchy. Agamar was originally settled by the descendants of the colonists from The Old Republic and maintain their favor towards isolationism. It belonged to sectors like Lahara sector and later the Southern Core former sector, yet was home to largely red-skinned agamarians and other fellow species like the mustached moth hives.

Agamar came into the limelight during the Galactic Civil War, bearing witness to many important events. Notably, one of the final battles fought between Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance took place here, causing immense destruction and massive fatalities. Towards the end, Agamar fell under the control of the New Republic. Besides its eventful military history, Agamar is also acclaimed for its agricultural produce, mainly nerf and grains, while its mineral resources featured Agamarian stone-carvings. An interesting landmark includes the Agamar Academy, a renowned educational institution in the Star Wars universe.

Similar Planets: Iakar,   Vanqor,   Onod I

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